welcome to Tenom Town 2010

Also Known as ***SWALLOW TOWN ***

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Invite District Officer, Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar to See and hear our sad voices , welcome !!!


  1. I am the grandson of the landowner , we have 3 landlots in the Kg. Ulu Kallang , jalan Maatob , near perumahan Kallang , siad to be the third generations of the landlots , my father now is 60 yeard old , he got the land on the year 1960 , almost more than 50 years no tar roads and electricity provided , the past time they didn't know how to apply because the were innocent and undereducated , who wrong ???

  2. The local authority , District Officer , Land Servay Department has no initiative to settle this small matter promptly other than other things because we are owner of the landlots have waited more than 2 years ago , nobody knew , how to develop Tenom to be a properous ** Swallow Tenom ******
    Let me know and get your suggestion as soon as possible .........????????

  3. Road is gone by people , the new landlot stop and blocked the old existing road just because it is not an original road reserve ..
    we tried many times to make settlement but in front landlots are not agreed , just a long 200 feet and 10 feet wide road that we request so as to get a by-pass for a vehicle go , wait and wait from the year 2008 , spent 2 years ,,,, how ???
    According investigations, other road by-pass is more longer and costly ,more dangerous as we have to cross a small river before enter our landlots ,
    I hope u understand what i am express and explain , go and see if u don't believe me now !!!!!!!!!

  4. Lastly ,I hope DUN No 39 Melalap ,YB DATUK RADIN MALEK seriously to consider about my application to have made new road , by-pass for these areas in Jalan Maatob , Kampung Kalang near the low cost housing , phase 4 .so as to develop to be a properous village by the year 2012 as well as the areas in Kg Maugus , Kg Gumisi , Kg Angalor in Kawasan Pedalaman Kemabong , DUN NO 40 as leader by Datuk Rubin Ballang .

  5. Hear your good news soon !!!

    We need powerful GOd help n LOVE !!!!!!
